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Gratis fragt ved køb over 600 kr / €55
Gratis fragt ved køb over 600 kr / €55

Veloforte Passo – Mango & Passion Fruit Hydration & Energy Drink Mix

Originalpris 28 kr - Originalpris 28 kr
28 kr
28 kr - 28 kr
Nuværende pris 28 kr

Hold dig hydreret og energifyldt med Veloforte Passo, en forfriskende plantebaseret hypotonic og energidrikblanding. Designet til løbere, cyklister, triatleter og udholdenhedsatleter, leverer Passo 22g naturlige kulhydrater og en optimal blanding af kalium og natrium for at hjælpe med at opretholde præstationen.

Med en ægte mango- og passionsfrugtinfusion, er denne rene og effektive drik skånsom mod maven, hvilket gør den til et ideelt valg til træning og konkurrence.

Hvorfor vi elsker det

22g Naturlig Hurtigfrigivelses Energi – Designet til langdistance udholdenhedssport.
Optimerede Elektrolytter175mg kalium & 275mg natrium pr. portion.
Naturligt Forfriskende – Lavet med ægte mango og passionsfrugt.
Plantebaseret & Glutenfri – En 100% naturlig, ren hydrationsløsning.
Informed-Sport AkkrediteretBatch-testet for forbudte stoffer, betroet af eliteatleter.

Hvem Er Det Til?

Perfekt til cyklister, løbere, triatleter og udholdenhedsatleter der søger en ren, naturlig hydrations- og energiløsning under træning eller konkurrence.

The Detail

How to use

Preparation: Combine the Passo drink mix with 500ml of water. Because Passo contains real fruit, it's crucial to shake the mixture vigorously for about 15 seconds to ensure the ingredients are thoroughly mixed.

Maintain Consistency: If the Passo drink is left standing for a while during your activity, remember to shake it occasionally. This action keeps the real fruit particles evenly dispersed, offering a consistent flavor and nutrient profile throughout your consumption.

Hydration and Fueling Strategy: Recognize that hydration and fueling are two separate, essential components of your endurance plan. Having a clear strategy for both is key to supporting top performance, particularly during intense or long workouts or events.

Fuel and hydrate the Demand: Begin your exercise with full hydration and energy reserves. This preparation helps extend your endurance and maintain optimal performance from start to finish.

Regular Intake: Implement a routine of taking small amounts of fluid and energy every 10-15 minutes during your activity. This steady strategy aids in maintaining a consistent energy level and hydration status.


  • High-performance fueling is personal, however on average aim to fuel between 50-90g of carbohydrate an hour (every 20-25 minutes as a base guide) for moderate to intense sessions lasting over 60 minutes.
  • For training and racing over 90 minutes, fuel with carbohydrates within 25 minutes of starting.
  • Drink to thirst to stay hydrated.
  • Performance nutrition is holistic; consider all aspects of your nutrition plan when formulating and testing your fueling strategies.
  • Should not be used as a substitute for a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet.

 Serving: 25g single serve sachet

Environmental and sustainability

  • In 2020 Veloforte was recognised by Runners World as a top 50 Eco Hero.
  • All paper and cardboard packaging is recyclable.
  • Veloforte is testing and developing recyclable bar wrapping material.

Ingredients and Allergen

  • Ingredients and Allergen Details: Dried Coconut Water, Pink Himalayan Salt, Natural Mango and Passionfruit Flavors, Natural Carbohydrates.
  • Allergen Information: This product is manufactured in a facility that also processes nuts and dairy.


  • Ingredienser & Allergeninformation: Naturlig mango, passionsfrukt, torkat kokosvatten, rosa Himalayasalt – utvalda för deras effektivitet i att stödja uthållighet och återhämtning.
  • Allergeninformation: Fri från vanliga allergener, anpassad för idrottare med kostrestriktioner.


  • Zutaten & Allergeninformationen: Natürliche Mango, Passionsfrucht, getrocknetes Kokosnusswasser, rosa Himalayasalz – ausgewählt wegen ihrer Wirksamkeit zur Unterstützung von Ausdauer und Erholung.
  • Allergeninfo: Frei von gängigen Allergenen, geeignet für Athleten mit diätetischen Einschränkungen.


  • Ingredienser & Allergenoplysninger: Naturlig mango, passionsfrugt, tørret kokosvand, pink Himalayasalt – valgt for deres effektivitet i at støtte udholdenhed og restitution.
  • Allergeninfo: Fri for almindelige allergener, henvender sig til atleter med kostrestriktioner.

Nutrition Facts English

Passo Electrolyte Powder, Mango & Passionfruit

Näringsinformation Svenska

Passo Elektrolytpulver, Mango & Passionsfrukt

Nährwertangaben Deutsch

Passo Elektrolytpulver, Mango & Passionsfrucht

Ernæringsoplysninger Dansk

Passo Elektrolytpulver, Mango & Passionfrugt