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Win the Morning, Win the Day: The Importance of Breakfast for Athletes and Everyone Else

Win the Morning, Win the Day: The Importance of Breakfast for Athletes and Everyone Else

We all know the saying, "Win the morning, win the day!" When it comes to nutrition and fueling, this couldn’t be more accurate. Breakfast often becomes the first focus for any nutritional change because it's the meal with the most room for improvement and timing tweaks based on nutrition and training goals. Here’s how you can win at breakfast and set the foundation for both your training program and everyday life.

Fueling or Recovering from Morning Training Sessions:

  • Post-Training Breakfast: If your morning session is focused on recovery or is a light skills or mobility workout, have breakfast afterward. This helps mobilize fat stores, an essential fuel source for endurance athletes.
  • Pre-Training Fuel: For higher intensity sessions, get some fuel in beforehand, like a quick bowl of oatmeal or a banana and coffee, then follow up with a second recovery breakfast post-session.

Fuel for the Day Ahead:

  • Brain Power: Breakfast fuels brain function for decision-making, learning, and mood support. For sedentary jobs, focus on protein and colorful veggies (e.g., eggs and spinach or a fruit smoothie). For active workers and kids, opt for nutrient-dense meals like oats with berries and bananas or a baked bean toastie.

Getting Micronutrients:

  • Fruit and Veggies: Breakfast is a perfect opportunity to start meeting your daily fruit and vegetable goals. Keep snap-lock bags of mixed fruit and greens in the freezer to add to protein shakes or smoothies, or top your cereal with mixed berries.

Incorporating Protein:

  • Spread It Out: Aim for 20-40g of protein at breakfast. This could be avocado and eggs on toast, a high-protein breakfast smoothie, a yogurt muesli bowl, or overnight oats with seeds and nuts.

Managing Hunger and Appetite:

  • Balanced Breakfast: For active people, skipping meals can lead to overeating later in the day. A balanced breakfast with protein, micronutrients, and energy helps maintain steady energy levels and manage hunger throughout the day.

Maintaining Energy for Growth and Function:

  • Nutrient-Rich Meal: A quality breakfast supports growth, immune function, cognitive performance, and hormonal balance.

By prioritizing a nutritious breakfast, you can set a strong foundation for your training program and daily activities, ensuring you start the day on the right foot.

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