How to use
Product Specific
- Ideal for any sport. Use before and during exercise to keep carbohydrates and electrolytes topped up.
- Use gels every 20-30 minutes during longer endurance exercise
- Fuel for your intensity - aim to take on 45-60g of carbohydrates per hour for moderate efforts and build to 60-90g for maximum efforts
- Use Veloforte gels alone or mix and dilute with 1 gel per 250ml water for a carbohydrate-electrolyte solution that maintains endurance performance.
- Not suitable for children, pregnant or breast feeding women.
- For training and racing over 90 minutes, fuel within 25 minutes of starting.
- High-performance fueling is personal, however on average aim to fuel between 50-90g of carbohydrate an hour (every 20 minutes) for moderate to intense sessions lasting over 60 minutes.
- Drink to thirst to stay hydrated.
- Performance nutrition is holistic; consider all aspects of your nutrition plan when formulating and testing your fueling strategies.
- Should not be used as a substitute for a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet.
- Store in a cool, dry place.
Environmental and sustainability
- In 2020 Veloforte was recognised by Runners World as a top 50 Eco Hero.
- All paper and cardboard packaging is recyclable.
- Veloforte is testing and developing recyclable bar wrapping material.
Allergen detail
Unrefined Brown Rice Syrup, Fruit Juice Concentrates (Cherry [24%], Lemon), Water, Maple Syrup, Guarana Extract, Himalayan Salt
Contains 75mg of caffeine per single serving. Do not exceed 5 per day.
Not suitable for children, pregnant or breastfeeding women.
Ingredienser och allergener
Oraffinerad brunrissirap, fruktjuicekoncentrat (körsbär [24%)], citron), vatten, lönnsirap, guaranaextrakt, himalayasalt
Innehåller 75mg koffein per portion. Överstig inte 5 per dag.
Ej lämplig för barn, gravida eller ammande kvinnor.
Inhaltsstoffe und Allergene
Unraffinierter brauner Reissirup, Fruchtsaftkonzentrate (Kirsche [24 %], Zitrone), Wasser, Ahornsirup, Guarana-Extrakt, Himalaya-Salz
Enthält 75 mg Koffein pro Portion. 5 pro Tag nicht überschreiten.
Nicht für Kinder, schwangere oder stillende Frauen geeignet.
Uraffineret brun rissirup, frugtjuicekoncentrater (kirsebær [24%)], citron), vand, ahornsirup, guaranaekstrakt, himalayasalt
Indeholder 75mg koffein pr. enkelt portion. Må ikke overstige 5 om dagen.
Ikke egnet til børn, gravide eller ammende kvinder.